How to properly store sutures?

Storing sutures correctly is essential to maintain their integrity and efficacy. Here is a small practical guide to ensure that your sutures are kept in perfect condition:

  1. Temperature:

    • Keep the sutures in a cool, dry environment, preferably between 15°C and 30°C.

    • Avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures, as they may affect the quality of the material.

  2. Low Humidity:

    • Store sutures in a location with low humidity to prevent degradation of the packaging and suture material.

    • If necessary, use dehumidifiers to maintain the proper environment.

  3. Direct Light Protection:

    • Store sutures in a dark place or inside their original packaging to avoid exposure to direct sunlight or intense fluorescent lights.

  4. Storage:

    • Place sutures on organized, clearly labeled shelves.

    • Avoid stacking them in a manner that may cause physical damage.

  5. Inventory Control:

    • Implement an inventory control system to use sutures in the order they arrived (first in, first out - FIFO).

    • Regularly check expiration dates and use the oldest sutures first.

  6. Avoid Contamination:

    • Keep sutures in their original packaging until the time of use.

    • Make sure the storage area is clean and free of dust.

  7. Manufacturer's Storage Manual:

    • Follow the manufacturer's specific instructions for storage of each type of suture.

    • Some materials may have special storage requirements.

  8. Periodic Review:

    • Regularly inspect stock for any signs of deterioration, damage or expiration.

    • Discard any suture that is damaged or expired.

  9. Security:

    • Store sutures in a secure, restricted area accessible only to authorized personnel.

    • Ensure that storage complies with applicable safety standards and regulations.

  10. Staff Training:

    • Ensure that all personnel involved in the handling and storage of sutures are properly trained in best storage practices.

By following these tips, you will ensure that sutures are always ready and in perfect condition for use when they are needed most.


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